Term Unification


In unification theory, we write terms. These are either:

  • variables (starting with an uppercase letter, such as X, Y, or Var);
  • functions in the form f(t1, ..., tn) where f is a function symbol (starting with a lowercase letter or a digit) and the expressions t1, ..., tn are other terms.

All identifiers (whether for variables or function symbols) can include the symbols _, ?, and may end with a sequence of ' symbols. For example: x', X'', X_1.

Examples of terms. X, f(X), h(a, X), parent(X), add(X, Y, Z).

It is also possible to omit the comma separating a function's arguments when its absence causes no ambiguity. For instance, h(a X) can be written instead of h(a, X).


In unification theory, two terms are said to be unifiable when there exists a substitution of variables that makes them identical. For example, f(X) and f(h(Y)) are unifiable with the substitution {X:=h(Y)} replacing X with h(Y).

The substitutions of interest are the most general ones. We could consider the substitution {X:=h(c(a)); Y:=c(a)}, which is equally valid but unnecessarily specific.

Another way to look at this is to think of it as connecting terms to check if they are compatible or "fit" together:

  • A variable X connects to anything that does not contain X as a subterm; otherwise, there would be a circular dependency, such as between X and f(X);

  • A function f(t1, ..., tn) is compatible with f(u1, ..., un) where ti is compatible with ui for every i.

  • f(X) and f(h(a)) are compatible with {X:=h(a)};

  • f(X) and X are incompatible;

  • f(X) and g(X) are incompatible;

  • f(h(X)) and f(h(a)) are compatible with {X:=a}.